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Webmatters : Verdun 1916: Nécropole nationale de Fleury-devant-Douaumont



The French Military Cemetery and the Ossuaire de Douaumont lie at the very hear of the Verdun battlefield.

Clearly sign posted from all directions the two major routes from Verdun are via the D 112 which brings you directly up through the forest to the Memorial Museum or, alternatively by remaining on the D 630 and turning left on to the D 913 (which passes by the route leading to Fort Vaux). From the Memorial Museum the ossuary is visible and parking can be found alongside.

Decimal49.207975.42253 Map
Cemetery and Ossuary at Douaumont

Historical Information

The French Military Cemetery of Fleury-devant-Douaumont is the only one on this sector of the battlefield.

It is a concentration cemetery gathering casualties from the Verdun Region throughout the war but principally those who fell during the great battle of 1916.

Created in 1923 it continued to grow until 1936. From August 1925 the bodies of those buried in the smaller cemeteries around Verdun were brought in, including, that November, those from Fleury itself.

The graves increased at times by 500 a month the half of them being identified.

The cemetery at Fleury devant Douaumont

Today the cemetery contains the bodies of 16,142 French casualties of whom 592 are Muslims from France’s colonial units. They can easily be identified by their headstones.

This is an open cemetery with recently discovered casualties being buried here.

There are also six French soldiers from the Second World War.

Soldat Thomas Pagny

Soldat Thomas Pagny 907
Born 27th January 1884
Saint-Bonnet-de-Vieille-Vigne (71 – Saône-et-Loire)
Class of 1904
56e Régiment d’infanterie
Died on 2nd August 1916 aged 32
Son of Louis and Claudine Pagny
Husband of Claudine Remolaise
Killed at Douaumont

Grave: 5852

Gibelin Reboul Souquet

Soldat Antoine Gibelin 502
Born 19th May 1895
Saint-Chély-d’Apcher (48 – Lozère)
Class of 1915
aged 21
Son of Laurent and Léonie Gibelin

Soldat François Reboul 383
Born 2nd February 1896
Toulon (83 – Var)
Class of 1916
aged 20
Son of François and Marie Reboul

Caporal Laurent Souquet 397
Born 16th September 1895
Tourbes (34 – Hérault)
Class of 1915
aged 20
Son of Casimir and Rouger Souquet

416e Régiment d’infanterie
Died on 26th August 1916
Killed at La fontaine de Tavannes

Grave: 6392

Soldat Martial Veyrier

Soldat Martial Veyrier 1934
Born 25th January 1890
Champsac (87 – Haute-Vienne)
Class of 1910
128e Régiment d’infanterie
Died on 20th July 1915 aged 25
Son of Martial and Magueritte Veyrier
Died of wounds at Carrières d’Haudromont

Grave: 6371

Caporal Eugene Sandoz

Caporal Eugène Sandoz 320
Born 3rd March 1890
Paris 11 (75 – Paris)
Class of 1910
320e Régiment d’infanterie
Died on 29th June 1918 aged 28
Son of Ulysse and Elisabeth Sandoz
Killed at Bois le Chaume

Grave: 3745

Caporal René Catrice

Caporal René Catrice 3302
Born 14th June 1893
Houdain (62 – Pas de Calais)
Class of 1913
415e Régiment d’infanterie
Died on 29th May 1916 aged 22
Son of Jules and Hermine Catrice
Killed at Fort Souville

Grave: 2054